
Our fees including VAT are listed below

Product Price – INC VAT
Single Will including Will Clarity Statement & Registration of your Wills with The National Will Register £225
Mirror Will including 2 X Will Clarity Statements & Registration of your Wills with The National Will Register £350
Standalone Will Clarity Statement £100
Registration of your Wills with The National Will Register per person £15.00
Extra original copies of your legal documents £15 per copy
(PPPT Including) Family Probate Preservation Plus Trust including money back guarantee £3000 per property
Discretionary Trust of Residue (DTR) £250
Life Interest Trust £250
Residence Nil Rate Band £250
Nil Rate Band £250
Interest in Possession Trust £250
Deed of Trust / Deed of Variation / Deed of Revocation / Declaration of Trust £PRICE UPON REQUEST
Registration of A Trust £600
Unregistered Lasting Power of Attorney grant for Health & Welfare £200
Unregistered Lasting Power of Attorney grant for Property & Finance £200
Registration of a Lasting Power of Attorney (Exemption or Remission may be available) £82 per document
(unless exempt or eligible for remission)
General Power of Attorney £100
Advanced directive Health & Welfare £75
Advanced directive Property & Finance £75
Certificate Provider (where we have not written the LPA) £100 per document
Severance of Tenancy £ FREE when bought in a package  / £150 if not in a package
Update to a financial statement of assets or memorandum of wishes plus a new copy £15 (unless part of the LTG)
Life Time Guarantee service £100 per year or £12 per month for Singles
£150 per year or £16 per month for Couples
Storage of your documents £24 per year or £2 per month
Will written incorporating specific business interests and clauses £PRICE UPON REQUEST
Express production and courier service 24 hours/48 hours £250/£175
Sending any documents by Royal Mail recorded or special delivery £15 per person
Legal Witnessing service in our office between 9am – 4.30pm Monday to Thursday £FREE – witnesses provided
Legal Witnessing service outside of our office between 9am – 4.30pm Monday to Thursday £15 per witness
Out of office appointment
Any and all appointments outside the office requires an upfront fee, on top of all services
This service is only to be booked at WillPower Worthing’s discretion, as we do not book out of office appointments as normal office procedure
£15 – (non refundable) plus mileage
Probate service / administration of estate £PRICE UPON REQUEST
1st & 2nd meetings each up to 1 hour in length


* Any meeting or advice given for out of houseproducts/services will require a meeting fee of £200 per hour (minimum 30 minutes)

Any further meeting after your free 1st & 2nd appointment £200 per hour (minimum 30 minutes)

We are professionals with years of experience in writing legal Wills call us TODAY to arrange a free consultation to ensure you have the correct arrangements in place 01903 339 007

Make sure you come and see us before you go